Hotel bathrooms for all: How to design an inclusive space for every guest

For most guests, a hotel is not just a place to sleep. It’s a place to relax, recharge, enjoy a getaway or maybe even work.

As a result, you need to think about every aspect of their stay, from beds to breakfast and customer service to the facilities available. 

Your hotel bathrooms will play a big role in the customer experience. Whether these are the private bathrooms in their room or communal toilets in the lobby, all washrooms must be safe, stylish and inclusive spaces. 

So, if you’re planning a washroom refurbishment project this year we can help. Check out our guide below for inspiration and design tips. 

Ensure adequate privacy 

When using communal hotel bathrooms, guests require as much privacy as possible. There are several ways you can ensure this, the first being choosing sturdy locks for the doors and regularly checking that these are in working order.

 But during the design process, you should also consider choosing self-contained toilet cubicles or those that run from the ceiling to the floor. 

This can help to make all users, no matter who they are, feel safe, comfortable and like they have adequate privacy when using the facilities. 

Prioritise accessibility, safety and hygiene

The key to truly inclusive hotel bathrooms is accessibility, safety and hygiene. So, first and foremost, you must offer adequate accessible facilities that meet all the legal requirements. 

Of course, inclusivity doesn't just come down to those with disabilities and you need to protect the health and safety of all guests.

You should ensure that all your hotel toilets and washrooms come with the correct safety features. This could be grab rails, non-slip flooring, adjustable fixtures and clear signage where required. 

It’s also a good idea to consider touch-free technology like automatic taps and soap dispensers to reduce the amount of touch points in communal bathrooms. On top of this, choose materials that are easy to clean and maintain, like the solid-grade laminate toilet cubicles offered by Cr8tive Washrooms. 

This can help to prevent the build-up and spreading of germs in these spaces and keep all guests safe and well. 

Integrate new technology 

It’s very rare to see paper towel dispensers these days as most businesses have moved over to the modern hand dryer. If you’ve done the same, you’ll know that this technology can transform your washrooms and their functionality.  

But bathroom technology doesn't have to stop there. 

There are loads of great fixtures and fittings you can include in your hotel washrooms to make them smarter, more inclusive and more energy efficient. 

For example, automatic lights, soap dispensers and touch-free locks are not only more hygienic and modern, but they can help those with limited mobility or other health issues. 

You could also introduce new vape detectors; those that are far more sensitive than traditional smoke detectors in picking up on vapour in the air. This can deter any anti-social guests from misusing these spaces, keeping them clean and safe for everyone. 

Reflect your company style and branding

While it’s important to prioritise health and safety, as well as functionality, you can't forget about aesthetics and style. 

You want your hotel bathrooms to be stylish and comfortable, even homely where possible. This will offer the best possible experience for your guests. 

As you don’t want your washrooms to feel clinical or dull, it's a good idea to choose warmer colours, materials and accessories. These can add a welcoming aesthetic and you can even use these to reflect and build your brand. 

For example, you could place storage solutions that are within reach for all users, including shelves and towel racks. You might also want to add mirrors, artwork, indoor plants and other branded accessories to make your washrooms feel more luxurious and reflect positively on your business. 

Do you need help designing a stylish and inclusive space?

If your hotel washrooms need an update, you may be looking for an expert bathroom design service to help you create beautiful, inclusive spaces. 

At Cr8tive Washrooms, we offer the latest in real-time 3D design and ensure that all our work is completed to an impeccable standard. 

We will work closely with you to design and install bathrooms that truly make a difference to your reputation as a hotel; ensuring happy, safe guests. So, if you’d like to know more about our services, get in touch with our friendly team today. 


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