From classic to contemporary: Choosing the right style for your golf course washrooms

Your golf course washrooms and changing facilities are so much more than just a functional space. They are an exclusive environment where members and their guests can change, shower, congregate and chat, before and after the game.

Because of that, they have high expectations and if your golf club washrooms aren't up to scratch, it could reflect badly on your course as a whole.

After all, members expect clean, modern facilities where they feel comfortable and have ample room to change, freshen up and store their personal belongings.

We understand that’s a lot to consider when designing these spaces, so we’re here to help.

From classic to contemporary designs, check out our top tips and advice for choosing the perfect style for your golf course washrooms.

Decide on the overall theme

You first need to decide on the overall theme and atmosphere you want for your washrooms. Do you want your golf course bathrooms to reflect the traditional, more classic golf club vibes like dark mahogany tones? Or would you rather introduce something more sleek and modern?

Once you have taken some time to decide on this overall style and theme, it will be much easier for you to choose the fixtures, fittings, colour schemes and finishing touches that will best suit your facilities. .

Bring nature inside

Green isn't just for the golf course and it can be a nice idea to add some greenery to your bathrooms by adding indoor plants. You can also incorporate other natural elements into your golf club washrooms, like wood, stone and metal.

These can be used in a number of different ways to help bring nature inside, for example, wooden finishes on your units or stone tiles (or stone effects).

Not only can this be a wonderful stylistic choice but it can also be a huge mood booster for your guests. Especially as they love nothing more than spending days outside on the links. .

Prioritise privacy

Whether they’re showering, changing or taking a quick five-minute break, your guests value their privacy. So it’s important that you prioritise this during the design process.

You should start by ensuring that there is an adequate number of showers, toilet cubicles or changing facilities for your guests. And, if you haven't already, you might also want to consider installing full-height cubicles.

These offer extra privacy for users, as well as a sleek and modern finish. They are also perfect if you want to give your golf course washrooms that luxury, exclusive feel..

Introduce modern technology

No matter whether you’ve chosen the modern aesthetic or traditional golf club style, you should still update your washroom design by introducing modern technology.

There are several reasons for this, not least of all because many guests will have come to expect these modern features, even if stylistically your bathrooms and facilities reflect days gone by.

Introducing modern technology like automatic flushing toilets and hand dryers, as well as sensor taps, hands-free cubicle locks, soap dispensers and lights, can have a huge impact on the cleanliness and hygiene of these spaces.

Reducing the amount of touch points that the average user will come into contact with reduces the risk of bacteria or dirt buildup. This helps to keep your golf course washrooms and changing facilities far more sanitary, safe and it makes daily cleaning easier.

This can also be important in your shower blocks. Modern power showers not only offer a superior showering experience, but they also give the users more control over the temperature and water flow.

All of this can contribute towards the energy and water efficiency of your golf club bathrooms and showers. This is better for your budget and for the planet!

Add the finishing touches

Finally, don’t forget who you’re doing this for. Your guests are keen golfers and there are lots of other little design elements and accessories you can incorporate into your washrooms and facilities to instantly transform the space.

As well as greenery and plants as we mentioned earlier, you can add photographs, images or artwork related to the golfing world. Like pictures of the course, famous visitors or other impressive golf memorabilia your guests will enjoy.

These small finishing touches can add to the style and overall aesthetic of your golf course washrooms, as well as reflect your brand and offer the best possible experience to all users.

Let us help inspire your golf course washrooms

Whether it’s your golf course toilets, changing rooms or shower blocks that need a little TLC, we can help to design the perfect facilities for your club.

If you’d like to know more about how Cr8tive Washrooms can assist with your washroom design and refurbishment project, get in touch with our friendly team today.


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