Commercial washrooms: Are your toilets letting your business down?

It doesn’t matter whether your washrooms are being used by employees, customers, guests or all of the above, unhygienic and unwelcoming facilities can really damage your business for a number of reasons.

In the guide below, we’re going to take a look at some of the key signs that your toilets could be letting your organisation down and the areas that you need to improve upon.

We’ll also share some of our top tips and advice, looking at how to refurbish a bathroom so you can tackle the biggest issues in your commercial washrooms.

Employees are always falling ill

Does illness seem to spread through your workplace like wildfire? If so, this could be a sign that you’re not providing adequate sanitation stations and hygienic washrooms for your employees.

This can lead to an increased number of sick days, low morale, reduced productivity and an unhappy workplace.

With that in mind, you need to make sure that your commercial washrooms have adequate ventilation to help reduce the spread of germs.

Not only this, but you need clean and easy-to-maintain facilities, such as seamless wall panels and toilet cubicles that limit unsightly and inconvenient joints. That’s because these joints and crevices can quickly harbour dirt and bacteria as they are harder to reach when cleaning.

Another way to ensure the highest standards of hygiene in your workplace toilet facilities is through touch-free technology. This could include hand dryers, soap dispensers, flushes and taps.

By reducing the need to touch surfaces, as well as the amount of surfaces that can collect germs, you can help to keep your employees happy and healthy.

Customers have started complaining

Are you receiving more and more complaints or concerns from customers and guests using your commercial washrooms?

If so, this is a major red flag and you need to rethink your washroom design. By reviewing the most recent complaints, you can work out which areas of your commercial toilets you need to prioritise - if this isn’t already obvious enough, that is.

For example, are there broken facilities such as cracked tiles, leaky taps or toilets that don’t flush? Or perhaps they’ve complained about a lack of soap, no paper towels or unhygienic surfaces.

Whatever the case may be, your toilets will reflect your brand and if they are dirty and unwelcoming, this could stop customers from returning in the future. So, in order to protect your reputation, you need to revamp your commercial toilets.

You have to call maintenance regularly

The last thing you want is for your washrooms to be out of order, whether that’s a customer or employee bathroom. If appliances are broken this can be costly. Plus, the time it takes to get maintenance in to fix the issue can be very inconvenient.

Not to mention this just creates more work for your facilities manager or maintenance team who have to arrange for contractors to come in and solve the problem. So, if you’ve found that you’ve been calling the local plumber a lot recently, you could be costing your business more money in the long run.

Though refurbishing your commercial washrooms requires an initial outlay, this can be a worthy investment that saves you money and stress in the long term.

Has it been a while since your last refurbishment?

If it’s been a while since you last refurbished or even redecorated your commercial bathrooms, it could be time to make a change.

In order to meet today’s rigorous hygiene standards and to keep all employees and visitors happy and healthy, you need to offer modern, stylish facilities that they are comfortable using.

So, if your washrooms have been neglected for a while now, it’s time to take action. Get in touch with our team to find out how we can help you with your washroom design. We can produce bespoke solutions that perfectly match your requirements and style.


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