Why you should renovate your healthcare toilets in 2024

If you’ve already begun setting goals for 2024, you’ll probably find that finance and maintenance are some of your top priorities for the year to come.

As you begin to review your budget, it’s important to consider how much you can set aside for renovating or redesigning your facilities, and which of these areas are most in need of some TLC.

As some of the most used areas in the building, you might find that your healthcare toilets and washrooms desperately need an update, particularly if it’s been a while since these spaces were last reviewed.

We understand that budgets are tight (and getting tighter), but your washrooms and so important and you need to offer clean and comfortable toilet facilities to all visitors.

With that in mind, here are five reasons you should renovate your healthcare toilets in 2024.

For increased health and safety

We’re living in a post-Covid era and as a result, health and safety have never been more important. You need to make sure that your healthcare washrooms are as hygienic as possible, especially in a high-risk area like a hospital.

Over time, old and outdated bathrooms can gather dirt and germs, creating the perfect breeding ground for bacteria.

Sure, you should have a rigorous cleaning schedule in place, but sealants, grout, cracks and other small gaps can build up dirt over time, and think about how many hands are touching those surfaces each day!

By updating your facilities and choosing more hygienic solutions - like solid-grade laminate toilet cubicles or touch-free technology - you can instantly increase the health and safety of your facilities.

Sometimes cleaning is no longer enough

As we’ve said above, there is only so much that cleaning can do to rejuvenate these spaces. At a certain point, some of your facilities may need upgrading.

For example, broken toilet cubicles, leaky taps, moulding grout and unsightly pipework cannot simply be wiped away. These need to be fixed or replaced and the new year is the perfect time for you to tackle these issues.

So, if cleaning is no longer leaving your healthcare washrooms feeling sufficiently fresh and inviting, it might be time to renovate.

To increase energy efficiency

If you haven’t already, replacing traditional fixtures with touch-free technology can have a number of key benefits, not least of all, making your healthcare washrooms more hygienic.

On top of this, sensor-activated units like lights, taps, hand dryers, soap dispensers and flushes can help to cut down on your energy and water usage.

This ensures that fixtures like taps and lights are not left running unnecessarily. Plus, energy-efficient light bulbs are better for the planet, something which is going to be a real concern for businesses over the next few years.

So, as you can see, by installing touch-free technology you can make your facilities more environmentally friendly, but on top of that, you can also cut operational costs.

Sure, you may need initial funds to update your facilities but more energy-efficient washrooms can save you money in the long run.

To make them more welcoming

If someone is in a healthcare setting it’s likely that they are unwell or that they are there to visit a loved one who is undergoing treatment.

Now imagine, while going through potentially some of the most challenging times of their lives, visitors are faced with unhygienic or outdated healthcare toilets.

And obviously, the staff deserve to use clean, comfortable facilities too.

This is yet another reason why you should consider renovating your washrooms in 2024, to make all users, no matter who they are, feel safer and more at ease.

New year, new budgets

Last but not least, the new year is the ideal time to renovate your healthcare toilets from a budgetary point of view.

In many organisations, the new year is when budgets are renewed and therefore, it is the ideal time to start putting your funds to good use.

Once the maintenance budget has been set, you can determine what needs to be done to renovate your healthcare washrooms. This allows you to be realistic with your expectations and to get a plan in place for achieving your renovation goals throughout the year.

Are you ready to renovate your healthcare toilets this year?

It’s easy to see that there are a number of key benefits to renovating your healthcare toilets and 2024 is the perfect time to take the leap and get going on your washroom refurbishment project.

Sure, this might not be a small project, but the good news is that professional design and installation companies like Cr8tive Washrooms can help to make this easier and reduce disruption.

We can help to design every inch of the space for maximum functionality and style. So get in touch with the team today to find out more about how we can help you transform your healthcare toilets this year.


How to maintain your school washrooms


How to refresh your healthcare washrooms and stick to your budget