Why is it so important to have good commercial toilet facilities in your business?

It doesn’t matter whether you run an office, a restaurant, a huge shopping centre or a small local cafe, having good toilet facilities is crucial in any business.

But with so much to think about, including decor, products, customer service, inventory, staffing and more, too often the toilets become an afterthought.

After all, as long as they’re functional, that will do, right?

Unfortunately, that is not the case.

Having clean, safe and comfortable toilet facilities should be a top priority for any commercial property and in this guide, we’re going to explain why. These are just some of the reasons you should consider refurbishing your commercial washrooms in the near future.

For your employees

Unless you choose to work completely solo, it’s likely that you’ll have employees to think about. From a team of two all the way up to hundreds of professionals in one building, workplace toilet facilities can play a huge role in employee wellbeing, happiness and as a result, productivity.

You might not have given it too much thought in the past, but outdated or unclean workplace toilets can be very off-putting. This may cause employees to dread every trip to the bathroom, or worse, to avoid the bathroom altogether.

This can leave them unhappy, and uncomfortable and can even pose a risk to their health.

However, ensuring that you offer clean and welcoming toilet facilities can boost staff productivity and contribute positively towards your employer branding.

To ensure good first impressions

Imagine this, a customer comes into your beautifully presented business and during their visit uses the facilities. If your commercial bathrooms are worn, dirty and disappointing, it doesn’t matter how nice the rest of the building is or how good the service was. They will leave with a lasting impression of your poor facilities.

So, if you’re welcoming guests to your commercial space, whether that’s customers, clients or potential employees, you need to make a good first impression.

In particular, businesses like restaurants, shops, cafes, etc., need welcoming washrooms that will leave a lasting impression on customers and ensure they keep coming back. For the right reasons, of course!

The same also applies to office spaces. If you invite someone in to discuss a contract, meet with the team or possibly attend an interview, you want them to have a good first impression of your company and brand.

Although it might seem trivial, if they are put off by your office toilets, they are less likely to want to work with you or do business with you in the future.

To meet customer expectations

Similarly, today's consumers have certain standards. Not only do they expect a certain level of hygiene from business but they also expect these commercial spaces to be attractive and well-designed.

After all, businesses should invest in every aspect of the company, right down to the last toilet cubicle.

So, in order to meet your customer or client expectations, you need to do your best with the budget you have. The good news is that there are lots of small and cost-effective changes you can make to your commercial washrooms to give them an instant refresh and make them more welcoming.

To ensure hygienic spaces

Safe, hygienic spaces are vital, particularly in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Whether for employees, customers, guests or all of the above, ensuring hygienic spaces can stop the spread of germs and bacteria.

After all, the last thing you need is employees using the workplace toilets and spreading their cold to the rest of the team.

Either that or unwell customers coming in and leaving their germs all over your commercial washrooms, which then quickly spread illness to your employees and other visitors.

So, as well as regularly cleaning these spaces, it’s important that you do all you can to minimise the spread of germs. This can be done by installing touch-free technology like automatic toilet flushes, soap dispensers, taps and more.

You should also think about installing swing doors that don’t need to be handled. That, or new touchless automatic door locks. All of which can contribute to making a clean, safe space for users.

To add value to the property

Last but not least, having beautiful commercial bathrooms can actually add value to your property. Therefore, if you’re planning on selling up soon, it might be worth starting your bathroom refurbishment project right away.

Alternatively, updating and maintaining your commercial washrooms means that this value never decreases even if you aren't selling up yet. But in the end, you’ll get the biggest return on investment (ROI) possible.

So, if you know for a fact that your commercial washrooms could use a bit of attention, it's time to consider refurbishing these spaces.

We can help you decide which design is best for your business, as well as offer expert advice on touch-free technology and creating attractive, hygienic bathrooms. Get in touch today to find out more.


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