Want to give your employees a gift this Christmas? Then consider updating your washrooms next year

As the festive season is quickly approaching, you might be thinking about ways you can thank and reward your employees for their hard work this year.

Sure, bonuses, gifts and social events are all excellent ways to say thank you, but have you also considered how you can make their day-to-day working lives even better?

Although it might seem unconventional, updating your workplace toilet facilities can have a huge impact on your employee's well-being for a number of reasons.

So this festive season, if you want to give your team a special Christmas gift, why not consider updating your office washrooms?

The benefits of welcoming office washrooms

There are lots of reasons that clean, welcoming office washrooms and workplace toilet facilities are beneficial for employees and as a result, good for your business.

But in case you’re not sure whether a bathroom refurbishment project is a worthy investment right now, here are some key benefits worth thinking about:

You’ll have happier, healthier employees

Outdated, unhygienic washroom facilities can cause gems to spread around the workplace much quicker, which can quickly wipe out your workforce and lead to increased staff absences. This is obviously bad news for business but it's also not great for those employees who become unwell.

The good news is that making some simple changes like introducing touch-free technology can make all the difference.

From automatic toilet flushes to touchless door locks, every small change can make an impact and stop the build-up of bacteria and the spread of germs around the workforce.

You can increase employee well-being and productivity

Did you know that more than half (51%) of employees claim to have been appalled by the condition of their workplace toilet facilities on at least one occasion in the last six months? On top of that, one in 10 will actively avoid using the facilities at work.

This can have a serious impact on their physical health, but also on their mental well-being and ability to concentrate at work.

As well as their physical health, it’s important to think about the mental health of your teams.

After all, how are they supposed to be productive and creative when they are purposefully avoiding the bathroom, making themselves uncomfortable and unwell?

However, by ensuring you have welcoming and comfortable workplace toilets, you can reduce stress, boost your employee's mood and ensure a much more positive atmosphere for all.

These spaces can contribute to your employer branding

Now imagine you invite a great candidate in for an interview and they ask to use the facilities, only to be appalled by the state of your workplace toilets. Consequently, they decide your company probably isn’t the right environment for them.

This could cost you great employees.

Not to mention that if your facilities are having a negative impact on your existing workforce, they are more likely to look elsewhere for a new role. They might even leave negative reviews online that make reference to this, which could put others off applying to your company.

All in all, outdated workplace toilets could contribute to negative employer branding and could cost you good employees. Whereas, clean and attractive workplace washrooms can contribute to a better reputation and help you to build a stronger, happier workforce.

Updating your workplace toilet facilities

Based on this information, you may have decided that a washroom refurbishment project could be the ideal gift to your workforce in the coming months. That’s great news, however, it can be tricky to know where to start.

You need to think about everything from your budget to design elements, as well as potentially redesigning larger structures and introducing new toilet cubicles and other facilities.

Sure, in some cases a lick of paint, new accessories and a few new appliances could be enough to breathe some life back into your spaces. But if you’ve got your work cut out to transform your washrooms, it is a good idea to work with a professional design company.

They will be able to assist with your budget, design ideas, installation, regulations and everything in between.

With that in mind, if you want to work with a great design and installation team, get in touch with the team at Cr8tive Washrooms today. We can help you to present your employees with some comfortable new washrooms for 2024.


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